Gathering TLFs may form a sphere to be close for

communication as a sphere would result as the best shape. They might at times make other shapes.

Throughout the oceans of the early Earth many spheres of TLFs would be forming from this species of cell. Some spheres joining with other spheres to make larger spheres.

These spheres of TLFs drifting amongst cells housing developing TLFs may well interact with them. All the TLFs in a sphere may pool their decision-making abilities. It could be they could help

improve a cell. It is thought that a species may change through

mutation from radiation. I myself go along with that, but as well as radiation this collective of TLFs may bring about a change.

Possibilities for a cell with two TLFs.

Where one cell with its own TLF included

another developing TLF as suggested earlier, it may find being in the form of a two celled

species benefits it. In the process of this the two TLFs could help control the split but this time keep the two cells combined. It would now be a

two-celled organism containing two TLFs, one in each cell. If the TLFs are able to split along with the cell. The less developed TLF after splitting could look after the welfare of the two cells, one TLF in each cell. The more advanced TLF after splitting could take charge bringing into existence two new  types of TLFs, which would guide the new double celled species. It could well have greater decision making abilities. Either of these two methods could lead easily to organisms with many cells.

These new two-celled forms could develop and create their own spheres. Again these spheres as they move around these early oceans may meet up and merge to create larger spheres.

The purpose of all the spheres as I have already put forward is to look after the cell forms.

What could happen next is the merging of a sphere from the

single cell form and a sphere from the new double celled form. This would be a new type of sphere made up of two types of TLFs. This

living sphere with improved decision making abilities and with more understanding of the two cell forms could well bring about other celled forms. As time passed many different forms would be around all with their developing TLFs, all bringing about spheres of TLFs to guide them. Some of these could on encountering the sphere that was made up of two types merge with it. Some would merge with


With many spheres merging in different variations we would end up with main spheres that contained many TLFs from all species that would help to guide all future species.

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If a TLF has fully developed in a cell it may leave it, the TLF no longer needing it will separate breaking the thread at the same time. The cell now will have died, as we

understand it. It may gather with other

developed TLFs.

TLFs in each cell may set up connections.

My Theory of creation, my philosophy for the meaning of life, my shipping idea, my emergency train stop idea, my propulsion idea for a future craft, what could be killing bees, my scaled down universe, my link page and more.

My philosophy for the meaning of life

© information. First posted May 2000. Latest revision 23rd of April. 2014