My philosophy for the meaning of life. Text only.

The meaning of life.

A philosophy by David Croston.

However strange or more like sci-fi this philosophy  seems I set myself the task of coming up with something that gives reasons and explains all paranormal aspects of life including the life after the death of a species and still could be based on science.

I have not come across any other view that ties so many things together.

I will try to show how all life on Earth, we included are not really alive but that each cell, just a collection of chemicals, has hidden within the true living form. 

In other words this unseen life form is the true living entity that builds the cell and maintains it just like we could build and maintain a car. We give motion to the car, this true life form gives motion to the cell.

Any plant or animal with many cells would have many true life forms, acting together to create the real living part of that plant or animal.

Millions of true life forms all collectively would make up the real you.

DNA is found in the nucleus of many cells. I will not go into a full explanation of all the parts of a cell; there are many good web sites on this. I will only

mention the relevant parts.

Early life forms would have been very basic. We say early life, but what part is alive? Break a cell down to its components leaving a collection of many

elements. No element is alive. What is the point, even if these sugars, carbons and other substances could be classed as alive, if it will die.

Why does anything live and die?

People give many answers, to pass on our genes etc.

But what if it was not alive in the first place!

What if we have it all wrong, that animals and plants ourselves included are not really alive, and that the real living part that utilises all of them is just hard to detect.

To be proved correct, a new conscious as yet undetected life form would have to be detected.

Once detected we would have a meaning to life itself.

I put forward; that the real life forms just use cells and collectively many true life forms are the real living parts of all plants or animals.

Science is still trying to figure what role some of the parts of a cell play.

In the centre of most cells is the nucleus with its DNA. Some cells do not have a nucleus, such as our red corpuscles made by our bones. In the case of red corpuscles, they are created just to carry gasses.

Two Russian molecular biologists have found DNA as a strange resonance. The phenomenon has been called the DNA Phantom Effect. By beaming laser light through the DNA sample onto a screen behind, a certain wave pattern appears on the screen caused by the resonance in the DNA. When the DNA sample is taken away the wave pattern remains on the screen as if the sample is still there.

One bit really interests me. Junk is the name that was given to many sections of the DNA because it did not seem to do anything. I think it could have a lot to do with the real life form if that life form was of a new type of matter.

A true, life force/energy living conscious that runs the cell controlling the DNA to make RNA, RNA to make proteins, etc.

A recent news item stated that a group of scientists say junk DNA could be of extraterrestrial origin.

This unseen life form might be made of matter or energy still to be detected. It could well be made of particles much smaller than the atom or from matter we are at present unable to detect.

The true life form. For the philosophy I shall give it that name, abbreviating it to TLF.

Being a different type of matter it could behave in ways we are not familiar with. It would probably reside in the nucleus; it may be able to move around the cell, even move outside. It could live for many years. It might never die.

It may need this home of proteins and sugars etc to extract something to enable this long life. I will try to show as the theory expands that a long life span of a TLF working together with other TLFs can point to the meaning of life itself.

With single celled species in the past or present, the TLF, this small, decision-making force could well influence the actions of the cell. A cell viewed that was moving to a food source would look to be alive as we at present understand, but it would move in just the same way if it was an inert elemental body controlled by an undetected life form.

One TLF may share information with another TLF if it could leave the cell housing. It could well be connected slightly to the cell while outside to keep

essential processes going. The cell would not be as active while a TLF was outside.

It may also leave the cell to find food the cell requires.

It may even pass information through the cell wall to another cell when in close contact.

Many present simple celled forms can be observed touching together and staying together for no obvious reason.

Could this not explain how touch might be important? Stroking an animal, the laying on of hands in cures and showing love.

The earliest TLF may have used a simple strand like RNA to attract the nutrients it needed to progress. However way this early TLF developed, lets

suppose it has advanced, making a few decisions for instance and could now make a simple single cell.

These single cells do seem to live forever, as we understand living forever because each one divides to make two new ones. 

This may well have taken place if the TLF could divide or replicate itself once it had absorbed enough of the things it needed. As the TLF divided or

replicated it would manage the splitting of the basic structures of the cell.

Instead of splitting or replicating another free drifting TLF may join the cell and help bring about the cells division.

After a while many of these early single cells would be adrift in the early waters of the Earth. Many cells would be damaged from time to time due to being in a damaging environment. We would say the cell had died. The cells building blocks are destroyed but what of the TLF.

As I have put forward, if the TLF is made from a different type of matter it might be resilient to harm.

The original resilient TLFs may well have arrived at the early Earth by a meteorite.

At the time of the destruction of the cell the development of the TLF would decide what it does next.

If not fully developed it may have the ability to induce another cell to take it in. The other cell may find this beneficial as will be seen later. This will be an important event as the idea progresses. Being made up of this as yet undetected refined matter it may well be able to detect another cell.

If a TLF has fully developed in a cell it may leave it, the TLF no longer needing it will separate breaking the thread at the same time. The cell now will have died, as we understand it.

It may now gather with other developed TLFs.

Gathering TLFs may form a sphere to be close for communication as a sphere would result as the best shape. They might at times make other shapes.

Throughout the oceans of the early Earth many spheres of TLFs would be forming from this species of cell. Some spheres joining with other spheres to make larger spheres.

These spheres of TLFs drifting amongst cells housing developing TLFs may well interact with them. All the TLFs in a sphere may pool their decision-making abilities. It could be they could help improve a cell. It is thought that a species may change through mutation from radiation. I myself go along with that, but as well as radiation this collective of TLFs may bring about a change.

It may be possible for a cell to have two TLFs.

Where one cell with its own TLF included another developing TLF as suggested earlier, it may find being in the form of a two celled species benefits it. In the process of this the two TLFs could help control the split but this time keep the two cells combined. It would now be a two-celled organism containing two TLFs, one in each cell.

If the TLFs are able to split along with the cell, then the less developed TLF after splitting could look after the welfare of the two cells, one TLF in each cell. The more advanced TLF after splitting could take charge bringing into existence two new types of TLFs, which would guide the new double celled species. It could well have greater decision making abilities.

Either of these two methods could easily lead to organisms with many cells. The TLFs may well set up connections.

These new two-celled forms could develop and create their own spheres. Again these spheres as they move around these early oceans may meet up and merge to create larger spheres.

The purpose of all the spheres as I have already put forward is to look after the cell forms.

What could happen next is the merging of a sphere from the single cell form and a sphere from the new double celled form. This would be a new type of sphere made up of two types of TLFs. This living sphere with improved decision making abilities and with more understanding of the two cell forms could well bring about other celled forms. As time passed many different forms would be around all with their developing TLFs, all bringing about spheres of TLFs to guide them. Some of these could on encountering the sphere that was made up of two types merge with it. Some would merge with others. With many spheres merging in different variations we would end up with main spheres that contained many TLFs from all species that would help to guide all future species.

Then would come the first organism that would consume other smaller celled forms. Would it be in the TLFs interest to bring this about. If a large sphere of several types of TLFs could make many decisions it may well drift in this direction. The main thing is to advance the development of the TLFs. Also with an abundance of these early celled organisms it would be the best way for a larger organism to feed. As these TLFs may have a long life span and probably very resilient, when an organism consumes a small single cell, the single cells TLF may just pass out from that organism. The larger organism may even take the TLF on board.

A TLF adrift without the housing of the cell may suffer no harm. However resilient a TLF is, this move to species that consume others would be in the

interest for the TLFs overall advancement.

Then arrived species of life on land. The spheres could have played a part in this. Natural barriers might not restrain these spheres made up of mature TLFs. They could be made up of such a refined matter as to drift through water, air or solids. The spheres could well have helped the first plants and

animals develop on the shores of these early oceans.

With simple forms with a few cells, two TLFs for each cell, one TLF residing in and looking after each cell, the other TLFs guiding the life form. These

guiding TLFs would likely group together. With a more advanced animal that requires some cells to die, as we understand the death of the cell, such as skin cells, what would happen to the TLF? As the cell became damaged, the TLF could pass to and join the guiding decision-making TLFs. As the animal grew many TLFs would join this decision-making centre increasing intelligence. Then would come a species with the need for more specialised cells, brain cells and nerve cells. Each one of these would still contain a TLF. All these TLFs would keep in touch with the decision-making centre made up of many TLFs. The size of this centre of TLFs and position in the brain I can only guess at. As with a single cell this centre may not be fixed to any position and could drift

outside when the species is sleeping. This could well be astral projection.

Most parts of our body are replaced due to cells dying but we still feel we are the same person. This would well be the case if the real person, the real you was made up of TLFs.

A species that mates to produce offspring would bring together two TLFs. When the male's reproductive cell with its TLF enters the female's productive cell with its TLF the outcome is the same as the earlier two celled species. The female cell is quite different to her other cells having only half the DNA.

The male reproductive cell is the same carrying half the DNA. They merge and become a new cell, the start of a new being.

The two TLFs may now split, leaving two TLFs to look after the two new cells and two to act as the new guiding, decision-making centre.

Today there are millions of species on Earth. A species with a large population spread out over most of the Earth could have brought about many spheres, all made up from the species TLFs. Another one near extinction with a few hundred in one area may only have one small sphere to guide it. When the population of this species was healthy in size it would have had many spheres, these now would have merged with spheres of other species. Some of these large spheres will contain TLFs of many species. It could be that for many years one main guiding sphere as guided all.

If we could see true life forms and the spheres or shapes they make it would be an amazing sight. Many people claim to see orbs floating. Could these be spheres of TLFs

Are TLFs the real living things on this Earth.

There could be some variations of how the TLFs would split and merge. There could also be variations in their resilience, life span and intelligence.

If TLFs depend on contact with other TLFs for the development of all TLFs it becomes clear why touch is important to many species. TLFs may pass over from one species to another. This may explain why someone may have green fingers, or good with animals, even laying on of hands to help bring about a cure.

TLFs may not all work together. Some spheres may not all work together. Organisms that bring about disease could have come about by a rogue strain of TLFs.

If proved correct it would give a real meaning to life.

It would explain many things that science as no answer for.

Peoples accounts of separation from their body known as Astral projection. They state how real it is, not a dream. Many report seeing a cord connecting them to their physical bodies. People who have lost a digit or limb say it feels that it is still there, a phantom. The TLFs that resided in all the cells of that limb, being part of the collective human may stay fixed in the space the limb took for a while instead of moving to the decision-making centre in the brain.

We have brought about the extinction of so many species. The main guiding sphere could be effected.

When one carnivorous species kills another for food that still helps TLF development, but if we needlessly kill, the TLFs making up that species may not develop as planned.

If it is proved correct all forms of life are important and none should be destroyed in such a mindless way.

If TLFs live for a long time or even keep developing for eternity then when through illness, accident or when the body is worn out all the TLFs of the body would join to the TLFs in the guiding centre likely in the brain.

They would then drift free, the real living person, the real you.

What then, they may well encounter a sphere of human true life forms. Some of these as they develop may join a sphere of many species and after even more development join the overall guiding sphere. This overall guiding sphere made up of TLFs from every species that as ever lived would have great wisdom. It could in theory be aware of every living life form on Earth today. The development of this main sphere may be effected if in our

stupidity we remove too many species.

This main sphere may even be able to stop this happening.

Many true life forms from all species would make up the main controlling guiding sphere.

I have given the name Oneism to this philosophy because every living thing, if I am proved right, is connected.


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© information. First posted May 2000. Latest revision 23rd of April. 2014