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Are TLFs the real living things on this Earth.

There could be some variations of how the TLFs would split and merge. There could also be variations in their resilience, life span and intelligence.

If TLFs depend on contact with other TLFs for the development of all TLFs it becomes clear why touch is important to many

species. TLFs may pass over from one species to another. This may explain why someone may have green fingers, or good with

animals, even laying on of hands to help bring about a cure.

TLFs may not all work together. Some spheres may not all work

together. Organisms that bring about disease could have come about by a rogue strain of TLFs.

If proved correct it would give a real meaning to life.

It would explain many things that science as no answer for.

Peoples accounts of separation from their body known as Astral

projection. They state how real it is, not a dream. Many report

seeing a cord connecting them to their physical bodies. People who have lost a digit or limb say it feels that it is still there, a phantom. The TLFs that resided in all the cells of that limb,

being part of the collective human may stay fixed in the space the limb took for a while instead of moving to the

decision-making centre in the brain.

We have brought about the extinction of so many species. The main guiding sphere could be effected.

When one carnivorous species kills another for food that still helps TLF development, but if we needlessly kill, the TLFs

making up that species may not develop as planned.

If it is proved correct all forms of life are important and none should be destroyed in such a mindless way.

If TLFs live for a long time or even keep developing for eternity then when through illness, accident or when the body is worn out all the TLFs of the body would join to the TLFs in the

guiding centre likely in the brain. They would then drift free, the real living person. What then, they may well encounter a sphere of

human true life forms. Some of these as they develop may join a sphere of many species and after even more development join the overall guiding sphere. This overall guiding sphere made up of TLFs from every species that as ever lived, would have great

wisdom. It could in theory be aware of every living life form on Earth today. The development of this main sphere may be

effected if in our stupidity we remove too many species.

This main sphere may even be able to stop this happening.

Many true life forms from all species would make up the main controlling guiding sphere. I have given the name Oneism to this philosophy because every living thing, if I am proved right, is connected.


My home page. * My Theory of Creation.

My possible answer to why bees are dying.

My scaled down Universe.* My Shipping idea.

My propulsion idea for future craft or U.F.O.

My Emergency train stop idea.

My Link page.

If we could see true life forms and the spheres or shapes they make it would be an amazing sight. Many people claim to see orbs floating. Could these be spheres of TLFs

My Theory of creation, my philosophy for the meaning of life, my shipping idea, my emergency train stop idea, my propulsion idea for a future craft, what could be killing bees, my scaled down universe, my link page and more.

My philosophy for the meaning of life

© information. First posted May 2000. Latest revision 23rd of April. 2014